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Vietnamese tea destination

Vietnamese tea destination

Let's go back to the origins of tea production in Vietnam. As is often the case, the biggest industries begin from the biggest discoveries. Thai Nguyen tea is a real feature of Vietnamese culture. The tea has a huge tradition and has been appreciated by the Vietnamese for hundreds of years.

With the Sense Asia team, we continue diving into the culture of Vietnam. Let’s talk about Thai Nguyen tea and find out more about this special green tea.

Thai Nguyen – a dream destination

Vietnamese Thai Nguyen tea is named after the highland province Thai Nguyen, which is a province with perfect conditions for tea plantations. It is a highland province with a wet and warm climate that is perfectly suited to growing tea. 

Moreover, some people talk about the tea benefiting from the specialness of the soil here, while others say that the tea grown in Thai Nguyen is so aromatic due to the hands of farmers who work on the plantations. 

There’s no specific answer why tea cultivated here is so fragrant, but everyone in Vietnam agrees that that the tea is special and much of this is thanks to the agro-scientists working here, who really care about how Vietnamese people can enjoy a hot cup of real Thai Nguyen green tea. The main secret of success is a big love for tea production. 

Thai Nguyen tea's history

The history of Thai Nguyen tea could be called the history of all tea in Vietnam! Because Thai Nguyen tea has “played” a big role in the creation of a tea manufacturing industry here. 

Before the 1880s, tea in Thai Nguyen was grown spontaneously by the local farmers with small-scale traditional methods. Half of the harvested tea leaves in Thai Nguyen were used for drinking, and the rest underwent processing and preserving.

In the 1880s, French colonialists initiated big tea production, first incorporating the traditional manufacturing processes and knowledge from the locals. Production was driven by how Thai Nguyen tea tasted! European producers felt the tea had great potential due to the unique taste of the tea grown here in local farms. 

Alongside the existing small-scale tea farms, huge tea plantations were established by the French using modern machines and techniques, which resulted in rising output.

Since that time, the big tea history here began, with Thai Nguyen green tea leading the way as the most famous of all the Vietnamese teas. It has a really light taste with flowerfull and green notes. Try it in our Green Tea Sample Set!

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