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Guide to the durian fruit

Guide to the durian fruit

The durian fruit is also known as the ‘king of the fruit’ to the people of Vietnam. It is a kind of controversial fruit, which has sparked many discussions between its haters and lovers.

Let’s get acquainted with such an interesting fruit.

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The word for “durian” in Vietnamese is Sau Rieng. Its literal translation is “one’s own sorrows” or “private sadness”. The legend of the word is sadly beautiful. A Vietnamese soldier went to war in Thailand. There he met a girl and married her. She loved a fruit called the “durian”. Unfortunately, she died. When the soldier returned to Vietnam he brought the durian fruit in memory of his wife.

When is the durian fruit season?

Vietnamese durian trees bear fruit only once a year. The season in the lowland provinces starts in May and peaks in June. The highland season peaks a few months later, in late August or early September. You can expect to find durian in Vietnam anytime between May and September.

Is it hard to eat?

Vietnamese durian fruit has a soft creamy taste. It is really delicious! But here’s the dilemma: for some people it smells really disgusting due to organic sulphur in its compound. Moreover, in Vietnamese airports you can see signs that forbid bringing the fruit to the airport area!

However, if anyone dares to try durian at least three times, they might easily be lured by its taste and smell. 

Very healthy!

Durian fruit is full of vitamins and microelements: 

  • Vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, B6
  • Potassium
  • Calcium.

It is really good for the immune system, which is supported and strengthened by the durian fruit.

Sense Asia has created a wonderful collection of dried durians. Feel the taste of one of Vietnamese iconic symbols.

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